"Literacy is not optional. It is a civil right.
Our students deserve access to a quality life.
The key to a quality life is to be fully literate.
Community Circle
At New Chelsea, we have a monthly celebration to honor student and adult ambassadors in our building.
Ambassadors are those who go above and beyond of what is expected of them.
At New Chelsea, we have a monthly celebration to honor student and adult ambassadors in our building.
Tiger's Den
We have Tiger's Den every two weeks.
Children are in vertical learning families, where they are not with their same grade level.
And it is also a great way for students to meet new teachers that they normally don't get to spend time with.
We have Tiger's Den every two weeks.
Community Outreach
At New Chelsea, we are building a strong community within our school walls and beyond.
We have formed partnerships that help better our school and community. In this picture, check out the beginning of our community garden.
Third Grade visiting the Humane Society of Kansas City to drop of their donations and volunteer their time.
At New Chelsea, we are building a strong community within our school walls and beyond.