Tigers on the move
Hello, New Chelsea Family!
We finished an exciting week with 70 families attending Kindergarten Round Up! Don't worry, if you need to enroll a Kindergarten student, or know friends or neighbors that might, please send them our way! This month we celebrate the character trait of ambition. Please talk with your student(s) about what their goals and dreams are, both long and short-term, and how go about reaching them!
Playground committees continue to need support. Please contact Mrs. Tesa Davis via email at tesa.davis@kckps.org for questions. Our thanks continues to extend to KABOOM! for organizing and Foresters insurance for funding our playground project!
Are You Faster Than a 5th Grader? is this Friday! Please have your 5th grade students dress appropriately, and remind them to not laugh at their Principal if he struggles to run the entire way!
Let's have a great week,
Mr. Flora, Principal