A Great Year Comes to a Close
New Chelsea Family!
Our last week is upon us, and we thank you for all of your support throughout the year with so many highlights!
Last week we had ALL grades participate in Field Day, thanks to the organization and planning of our Physical Education instructor, Mr. Spearman. Thanks!
Sunday, many of our 5th grade girls and their New Chelsea staff coaches and family running "buddies" participated in the Girls on the Run 5K experience. Thanks to all involved for your support in making our girls feel confident in their present and future endeavors!
We look forward to a great last week. Please remember to turn in library books and other school resources, sign up on our website to volunteer for the playground build in June, and contact the school with any questions you might have before we close the year!
Your kids are the best, the brightest, and the successful future leaders of our city and country. We are thankful that you allow us to be a part of their journey to success.
Lots of Love,
Mr. Flora, Principal.