New Chelsea Family!
We are finishing our 3rd week back to school! It goes SO fast! Our students are writing, reading, thinking, and learning so much already. You are VITAL to their learning, and we appreciate the time you spend with them at home listening to them and helping them complete work at home.
Coming home this week will be your Parent/Student District handbook, the Code of Conduct, and your child's take home folder (K-2) or school planner (3-5). Take time to find important district contacts (Nutritional Services, transportation, etc) in the handbook.
Very soon we will be meeting with families to introduce our new behavior intervention and support model, named BIST.
We are working on three LIFE GOALS:
1. I CAN be okay when I have to do something I don't want to do.
2. I CAN be okay when others around me are not okay.
3. I CAN be okay when I have an overwhelming feeling (anger, frustration).
Talk to your student(s) about these often, as every adult in our building is working to help them practice.
Community Circle is tomorrow! Please come at either 10am or 2pm.
Take care,
Mr. Flora, Principal